Saturday, May 14, 2011

Implementing set using arrays

We can implement tree by arrays. Likewise, this program shows how to implement set using arrays:

public class Set<T> {

private T arrayElement[];

int size =0;

public Set(){

this.arrayElement = null;


public Set(T[] element){

arrayElement = element;

size = arrayElement.length;



*add element to set. A check is made to identify whether element is present or not.

*If not the element can be inserted.

* @param element


public void addElement(T element){


if(size == arrayElement.length){



arrayElement[size++] = element;




* to check is element is present or not.

* @param elem

* @return boolean


public boolean contains(T elem){

if (elem == null) {

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)

if (arrayElement[i]==null)

return true;

} else {

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)

if (elem.equals(arrayElement[i]))

return true;


return false;



* return the size of set.

* @return int


public int size(){

if(arrayElement != null){

return arrayElement.length;


return 0;


public void clear(){

arrayElement = null;


public String toString(){

if(arrayElement == null || arrayElement.length ==0 ){



String toStr=”[";

for(int i=0;i<arrayElement.length;i++){




return toStr;




* to check whether set is empty or not

* @return


public boolean isEmpty(){

if(arrayElement == null || arrayElement.length ==0 )

return true;


return false;



* this function is used to increment the size of an array



private void incrementArray(){

T[] temparray = arrayElement;

int tempsize=size+5;

arrayElement =(T[]) new Object[tempsize];

System.arraycopy(temparray, 0, arrayElement, 0, size);


}//Set class ends

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