Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Type Descriptors in reflections

Field and Method types are represented, in a special notation, by a string. This notation is described below.

Primitive Types

Primitive types are represented by one of the following characters:
For instance, an integer field would have a descriptor of "I".


Classes are indicated by an 'L', followed by the path to the class name, then a semi-colon to mark the end of the class name.
For instance, a String field would have a descriptor of "Ljava/lang/String;"


Arrays are indicated with a '[' character.
For instance an array of Integers would have a descriptor of "[I".
Multi-dimensional arrays simply have extra '[' characters. For instance, "[[I".

Field Descriptors

A field has just one type, described in a string in the above notation. e.g. "I", or "Ljava/lang/String".

Method Descriptors

Because methods involve several types - the arguments and the return type - their type descriptor notation is slightly different. The argument types are at the start of the string inside brackets, concatenated together. Note that the type descriptors are concatenated without any separator character. The return type is after the closing bracket.
For instance, "int someMethod(long lValue, boolean bRefresh);" would have a descriptor of "(JZ)I". 


Both the field_info table and the method_info table include a list of attributes. Each attribute starts with the index of a CONSTANT_Utf8 (2 bytes) and then the length of the following data (4 bytes). The structure of the following data depends on the particular attribute type. This allows new or custom attributes to be included in the class file without disrupting the existing structure, and without requiring recognition in the JVM specification. Any unrecognised attribute types will simply be ignored.
Attributes can contain sub-attributes. For instance, the code attribute can contain a LineNumberTable attribut
Here are some possible attributes:
CodeDetails, including bytecode, of a method's code.
ConstantValueUsed by 'final' fields
ExceptionsExceptions thrown by a method.
InnerClassesA class's inner classes.
LineNumberTableDebugging information
LocalVariableTableDebugging information.
SourceFileSource file name.
SyntheticShows that the field or method was generated by the compiler.

Code attribute

The Code attribute is used by the method_info table. It is where you will find the actual bytecodes (opcodes an operands) of the method's classes.
The attributes has the following structure:

Length (number of bytes)Description
max_stack2Size of stack required by the method's code.
max_locals2Number of local variables required by the method's code.
codecode_lengthThe method's executable bytecodes
exception_tablevariesThe exceptions which the method can throw.
attributesvariese.g. LineNumberTable
Each exception table entry has the following structure, each describing one exception catch:

Length (number of bytes)Description
start_pc2Offset of start of try/catch range.
end_pc2Offset of end of try/catch range.
handler_pc2Offset of start of exception handler code.
catch_type2Type of exception handled.
These entries for the Code attribute will probably only make sense to you if you are familiar with the rest of the JVM specification.
 source: http://www.murrayc.com/learning/java/java_classfileformat.shtml

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