Monday, April 18, 2011

Defining an user-defined marker interface in Java

Let's define a user-defined marker interface. Let's say there is an app suporting a medical store inventory and suppose you need a reporting showing the sale, revenue, profit, etc. of three types of medicines - allopathic, homeopathic, and ayurvedic separately. Now all you need is to define three marker interfaces and make your products (medicines) implement the corresponding ones.

public interface Allopathic{}
public interface Homeopathic{}
public interface Ayurvedic{}

Now we can use instanceof operator, to which interface is used. So its not of much use for JVM, but still we can use it for our own use.

for (Medicine medicine : allMedicines) {
if (medicine instanceof Allopathic) {
//... update stats accordingly
else if (medicine instanceof Homeopathic) {
//... update stats accordingly
else if (medicine instanceof Ayurvedic) {
//... update stats accordingly
else {
//... handle stats for general items

As you can see the medicines themselves don't need to implement any specific behavior based on whether they are allopathic, homeopathic, or ayurvedic. All they need is to have a way of reflecting which category they belong to, which will in turn help the reporting modules to prepare the stats accordingly.

Now this can be done by having a flag as well... yeah, sure it can be. But, don't you think tagging a class makes it more readable than having a flag indicating the same. You kind of make it an implementation-independent stuff for the consumers of your classes. If your class implements an interface, it becomes part of the class signature of the published API. Otherwise, you would probably handle the situation by having a public final field having the flag set up at the time of instantiation - final because you would not like others to change it. I guess going the marker interface way would probably make more sense in many such situations.

Another advantage of going via marker interface way is that at any point of time you can easily cast the objects of the implementing classes. Again it's not that if you go via public final approach, you can't do that. You can very well do, but casting might look a cleaner approach in many situations.

The bottom-line is there will hardly be any enforced need for a designer/developer to go via that way as there can be possible alternatives, but marker interfaces can surely be a preferred choice for some in some cases.

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